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Showing posts from February, 2022

How Meta deals with high volume of data and what your start-up NEEDS to learn from it!

  In our first blog article, we spoke about the importance of big data for start-up businesses and different types of free big data software that entrepreneurs can use to process large amounts of complicated data (Fischer, 2020). This data is becoming larger and larger as revealed in a study conducted by Lyman and Varian which revealed that data stored in digital media devices at the time of the study as compared to data from 2002 is up 92% while the size of the data itself is calculated to be five exabytes (Tsai et al, 2015). The problem is as revealed in this study is that data is so large that it is difficult for those analysing it to find what they are looking for. Tradional methods of analysing data like sampling for example may have been useful in the past but as shown by the Lyman and Varians study, the volume of data is so large that tradional methods will no longer do the trick. The three Vs (volume, velocity and variety) would then be developed by Doug Laney as a means to...

Netnography: The Marketer’s useful tool for developing innovative ideas.

As Start-ups in today's competitive world require an advantage, we need to be aware of the basic tools for your marketing strategy, let’s start defining what is netnography and how we can utilize it.   Customers are becoming more active online these days, and valuable information about their behaviours, opinions and experiences can be obtained from a variety of online platforms. This information opens new paths to personalized high-quality service.   “Understanding customers is a key aim of service marketing research and an important requirement for successful service business practice” (Gummesson et al., 2014).   Netnography is recognized as a valuable research tool for gathering and analysing online customer data developed in response to customers' increasing internet use (Kozinets, 1997), It is based on an ethnographic research approach to studying and understanding consumption-related aspects of customers' lives online and it is more relevant than ever in today's ...

What startups needs to know about Cookies

It is really interesting how something so intangibly intrusive got given the cuddliest of names, Cookies . Our lingering online shadow. Our trail of internet breadcrumbs. We are all like either Hanzel and or Gretel scavenging through the world wide web, leaving cookie crumbles behind ourselves for any observer to pick up and follow.   Cookies have been around since just after the birth of online sales and has not lost any prominence since. If cookies wouldn’t be so dormant yet present, observing our online behaviour, none of us would ever press the incognito command on safari or chrome, nor would we spontaneously buy that t-shirt we contemplated to buy a few weeks back yet here it miraculously appears in front of our eyes while scrolling through Instagram on our lunch break. Well, most probably not, at least.   We here on StartUpsOnaBudget thought we’d go into detail about the online condiment named cookie , and not only go into the history of cookies, but also how to implemen...

SEO for startups: Improve your organic ranking on a budget

Reaching your audience and creating awareness about your business can be challenging for a startup on a small budget. The market space in which you enter is likely to be crowded and reaching through all that competition can be tough and expensive. Well, at least if you focus on the traditional marketing channels. A more effective and completely budget-friendly way of reaching out is to optimize your organic SEO. Organic means that it is not a paid listing but a ”natural” listing on Google. If you have the time and the will, an optimized SEO strategy can bring you the traffic you want and need to your startup's website.  Why does ranking matter?   If your website is a source of leads, sales, or sign-ups for your startup it is fair to say that getting traffic and users to your website will increase your chances of making more revenue. In fact, 48% of traffic to e-commerce sites comes from organic search results from Google (Colehan, 2016). So SEO matters in terms of traffic and ...