In one of our previous blogs, Start Ups on a Budget explored the importance of big data for start-up companies and how valuable of an asset it can be. In a later blog we delved further into this topic by looking at the first of the 3 V's that define big data being volume. To show you how valuable big data can be for your start up business we will look at the other two Vs which are velocity and variety. Velocity So by now we all know what big data is and how it can manage large volumes of data which could not be done manuelly. This was the first V however what I find to be even more interesting is the second V which is velocity. Velocity relates to how the data is acquired in real time which is a tremendous attribute (Coforge, 2022). Think of a large company like Meta (previously known as Meta), Instagram or YouTube and the global reach each platform has. With such a large global reach each platform comes a higher volume of people creating a continous flow of data. Taking time dif...